
Beneath the Trees: A Tree Care Website

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Beneath the Trees: A Tree Care Website

Have you ever visited a yard where the trees were bright green, magnificent, and oh-so lush? Did you find yourself wishing that your trees could look the same way? They can. They simply need the proper care. On this website, you will learn what that proper care entails. A lot of it comes down to proper trimming, but certain trees also thrive with fertilizer, extra water, or some wood mulch around their base. You'll also learn a bit about tree care companies and the services they provide, which will come in handy if you don't have the skills or equipment to do your own tree care.



How Do You Save A Tree That's Been Damaged By High Levels Of Chlorine In The Soil?

Chlorine naturally occurs in the soil, and trees require small amounts of chlorine to stay healthy. When large amounts of chlorine get into the soil, whether from a leaking swimming pool or deicing salt that's washed off roads and sidewalks, then it can cause serious harm to the trees in your yard.

When there's a toxic amount of chlorine in the soil, a tree's leaves will start to wither and fall. Leaves damaged by high levels of chlorine in the soil will look dry and burnt at the edges, and they may also turn yellow. If one of the trees in your yard has been damaged by excessive amounts of chlorine in the soil, read on to find out how you can save it.

Flush the Chlorine Out of the Soil 

The most effective way to stop chlorine from harming your tree is to push the chlorine deeper into the soil by watering your tree. Use water that doesn't contain any chlorine to avoid adding any more to the soil. Water the tree moderately every few days, giving the chlorine-free water a chance to soak deeper into the soil and carry the chlorine with it.

You should take care to avoid overwatering your tree, as this can harm it. If you see standing water on the ground after you've watered your tree, you're using too much water. Standing water won't get rid of the chlorine, and it can also cause the roots near the surface to rot.

Add Gypsum to the Topsoil Around the Tree

You can also stop chlorine in the soil from damaging your trees by adding gypsum to the soil. You can purchase large bags of gypsum at gardening stores. Use a trowel to mix it into the soil around the tree.

Gypsum helps balance the pH of the soil when it has too much chlorine in it. Chlorine makes the soil more acidic, and the gypsum will help return the pH to normal by making the soil more alkaline. In addition, gypsum improves soil drainage, which will help flush more chlorine out of the soil when you water it.

Once you've started watering your tree and adding gypsum to the soil, you'll know if your attempt to save the tree was successful when you see new leaf growth. If the new leaves look healthy, then you've flushed the excess chlorine out of the soil.

If new leaves aren't growing in or if they're tiny and yellowed, you'll need to call a tree service and have your tree's health examined. High levels of chlorine can kill a tree's root system. When this happens, you'll need to have the tree removed. A weakened root system makes the tree more likely to fall over during a storm. Removing it from your property will prevent it from causing damage to your home if it falls.

Contact a tree service today to learn more.